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There are many ways to support Creston Arts. Contributing financially to Creston Arts' Annual Fund provides essential operating support and makes everything we do possible and accessible to all!

Your financial gift to Creston Arts is used toward:

  • scholarships to ensure our programs are accessible to everyone regardless of income or ability to pay.
  • offsetting the cost of a full-day, month-long summer Art Camp for youth in 1st through 8th grades, and making sure all interested children can participate.​
  • partnering professional artists with high school youth participants of the Mentor Mural Project.

  • creative movement and wellness classes and workshops for all ages and abilities.

  • building human connection and community through shared creative experiences and social groups.

  • bringing diverse and highly skilled artists to Union County to teach and offsetting the cost of supplies to our participants.

  • expanding the scope of our services. We are currently working with community partners to create healing arts programming to help individuals, children and families break free of cycles of addiction, abuse and other barriers to success. 

  • maintaining our facilities and website.

Ways You can Donate

  • Donate online with a debit or credit card here.

  • Mail a check payable to 'Creston Arts' to Creston Arts, 411 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801.

  • Donate Stocks, Bonds, or Annuities: Donate to Creston Arts in the form of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds appreciated in value –as well as closely-held private stock.

  • Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your Traditional IRA: An IRA Qualified Charitable Contribution allows you to meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) requirements without adding to your taxable income.  This can benefit you while supporting the important work of Creston Arts!  Using this option, you would instruct your IRA administrator to direct an IRA distribution to Creston Arts, as a qualified 501(c)(3) charity.  Exercising this option means you will not be taxed on the distribution, and for many individuals, this provides advantages over a direct gift us.

  • Become a Legacy Donor: A bequest is a gift from your estate. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support the mission of Creston Arts. You can make a bequest to Creston Arts by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to the organization. You can also designate Creston Arts as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy. For sample bequest language or to learn more, please email Sarah Scull at  With thoughtful consideration, you can help ensure that Creston Arts will thrive for decades to come.

  • Give through a Donor-Advised Fund: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are the fastest-growing tools for philanthropic giving.  DAFs provide a convenient and tax-efficient method of giving to support Creston Arts mission and programs. They can be easily set up through a community foundation or a financial institution to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle. For more information on how to establish a DAF, contact your financial advisor or local community foundation.

  • Sponsor an Event, Exhibit, or Program: Creston Arts Gallery has been a vibrant home for the arts for more than am decade, and our volunteer arts council has coordinated art programs in Creston for nearly 50 years. Show your support and help Bring the Arts to Life in Creston and surrounding communities! Sponsors can support a wide range of Creston Arts activities, such as:

    • Creston Arts Festival, our signature Fall event

    • Chalk the Town

    • Creston Arts Youth Summer Camp

    • Mentor Mural Program

    • Exhibitions in Creston Arts Gallery

    • Artists' lectures, demonstrations, and classes

    • Creston Arts Residency program

    • and so much more!


We’ll be delighted to spotlight your sponsorship on online and print materials.


Employer Matching Gifts

Workplace giving is an easy and efficient way to make tax-deductible donations to Creston Arts through payroll deductions.  Many employers will even match your donation. Check with your employer to learn more about workplace giving and matching gift programs to double your impact!


Here is more info you may need: Our legal name is Creston Arts Area Council. Our mailing address 116 W. Adams St., Creston, IA 50801. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 42-6256849.


For more information on how to donate stock, include Creston Arts in your will, or to become a sponsor, email us at

Ways You can Donate
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